Our programmes
Why we are focusing on women and girls: Inequalities driven by patriarchy impacts who benefits from the use of biodiversity, and who bears the cost. Women, who carry the burden of caring for the families suffer most. Research in sub-Saharan Africa (where we are located) show that women are responsible for 80% of household food production and more than 60% of all employed women work in the agriculture sector. The rain-fed agricultural systems on which the livelihoods of these women depend on is vulnerable to climate change. The intersection of recurrent cyclones, droughts and pandemics such as COVID-19 increases the women’s risk of HIV infection, teenage pregnancy and Gender Based Violence (GBV). Young women and girls are disproportionally affected by this “triple threat”. New HIV infections among adolescent girls and young women occur at a rate more than three times higher than among adolescent boys and young men according to the National AIDS Council. Our programmes are designed to address these challenges.